Contemplative Prayer
Lenten Prayer Morning
Saturday, April 12, 2025
Lenten Prayer Morning, is a practice to engage the body and soul! Everyone is invited to gather on Saturday morning, April 12th, beginning at 8:30 a.m., to relax and prepare to hear God.
You may participate for the entire morning, and come/leave as you are able.
We will begin with a light breakfast of bagels, fruit, coffee and tea. Then we will ease into quiet with centering prayer and meditation.
Experience walking our indoor labyrinth. Practice listening for God's message. End with gentle yoga.
Take this opportunity to practice quieting our minds and relaxing our bodies, to hear the still, small voice within.
Please register (details below). We ask only for a voluntary donation to cover the cost of the food. Cash/check accepted at arrival, or pay online here https://pushpay.com/g/episcopalchurchholycommunion.
This is a chance to become ready to hear the message God has for us.
You are encouraged join us as we prepare ourselves to enter Holy Week.
Lenten Prayer Morning Schedule:
8:30: Doors open. Coffee/tea, fruit, and bagels provided.
9:00: Welcome & overview of Centering Prayer.
9:15-9:35: Silent prayer
9:35-9:45: Break as we move to the Sanctuary
9:45-10:45: Background and explanation of labyrinths as a prayer practice.
Time to walk the labyrinth. Optional: self-guided stations of the cross. Optional: journaling and prayer.
10:45-11:15: Gentle yoga.
11:15: Gather for a closing prayer.
Registration Information - Lenten Prayer Morning
Please register so we will have a count for breakfast.
Email Parish Administrator, Darcy Brainard, at office@holycommunion.net to register!
Weekly Evening Gathering
The Contemplative Prayer group meets on Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m. A Zoom option is available. We meet for one hour in the Vestry room on the lower level. The meeting consists of a 20 minute meditation, followed by group reading and faith sharing.
Beginners are welcome!