Pray Ground
Pray Ground
Worshipping together
The Pray Ground
A carpeted space for those who need to crawl, wiggle and work with their hands while worshipping. Located on the pulpit side in the front area in the nave. Kids who worship best while playing church through building a church with giant foam legos and blocks, through drawing and coloring the lesson of the week or administering the chalice and bread with wooden toys. All while parents and caregivers watch and worship.
Learning with peers
Godly Play
For preschoolers through elementary school age
Journey to Adulthood’s Rite 13
For 11-13 year olds
The first two years of the Episcopal Church’s Journey to Adulthood (J2A) curriculum , known as Rite 13, addresses the significant changes that take place in a young person ages 11-13 :physically, emotionally, theologically and spiritually, in the context of societal issues. All grounded in bimonthly meetings of fun,fellowship and theological reflection.
J2A’s Rite 13 is a two year commitment which traditionally begins with age 11 and takes young people to age 13. Adults from the congregation serve as mentors, making a two year commitment to this group.
Holy Communion’s Rite 13 is in partnership with the Diocese of Missouri which formed a “cohort” with other Episcopal Churches in our diocese.