Gun Violence Prevention
Praying and Acting
Holy Communion has been working, alongside various partners, to curb gun violence in our region and our nation. Our prayers matter. But sometimes we have to pray with our feet.
Right Now: Act against “Guns Everywhere”
An update from our Missioner for Gun Violence Prevention Advocacy, the Rev. Mary Haggerty:
Dear Friends,
The "guns in churches" bill has passed the House and is not in the hands of the MO senate. It has been tacked on to HB 282 (which also would allow guns on public transit.) There may be further action to take next week if this bill goes to a committee.
Please click here to send a message to your senator to ask them to vote NO on SB282:
In addition to our prayers, we take concrete action.
We have worked against proposed changes to Missouri Law to allow conceal-carry in houses of worship. We had a large contingent join in the "March for Our Lives" in downtown St. Louis, joining the student-led movement for sensible gun reform. We also regularly ask members of our "Faithful Action" group to contact their representatives, asking for changes like universal background checks, a ban on assault weapons, and high capacity magazines.We know there are responsible gun owners, hunters and sportsman. We also know our current culture around guns has resulted in terrible tragedy. We hope, pray, and act that we might work together for change.In response to a new conceal-carry law in 2016, Holy Communion's vestry declared our church property a "weapon-free" zone.
When we proclaim a principle in our public witness, it is important to practice it personally. Along with the Diocese of Missouri we ask all gun owners:
"Please ensure that all guns in your home are locked and secured against use by children or those suffering agonizing despair."
We regularly partner with Women's Voices Raised in their "Lock it for Love" campaign, raising money to buy free gunlocks for anyone who needs one. Every one of the Holy Communion t-shirts we sell buys a gun lock. We also sometimes hold fundraisers like scarf sales to raise money. If you're in need of a free gun lock, contact Women's Voices Raised.