Dismantling Racism
Read Bishop-elect Deon Johnson's statement on the killing of George Floyd
Deacon Chester Hine's "Reflections on the Life of a Black Man in America"
Our baptismal covenant includes the commitment:
Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?
I will with God's help.
Racism is a reality, one with real consequences for the life and health of our community. We are a city, a society, and a church with a history of systemic oppression. We also live in a time, and a region, where racism is being powerfully felt and intentionally confronted.
As a church we our committed to working against racism. We offer ongoing programming, workshops, trainings, and opportunities to engage in the work of dismantling racism. If you would like to get involved sign up using our Online "Get Connected" card.