2. B. Additional Resources on Common Prayer

The video and books below are great introductions to Common Prayer and Liturgy.

Brother Geoffrey from the Society of St. John the Evangelist

Brother Geoffrey describes the rhythms of life in the monastery in Cambridge Mass. While not directly about liturgy, notice how Geoffrey describes his call and vocation.

The Book of Common Prayer (1979)

As Armentrout and Slocum note in their Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, that “Anglican liturgical piety has been rooted in the Prayer Book tradition since the publication of the first English Prayer Book in 1549.”

We, who are many and diverse, come together in Christ through our worship, our common prayer. The prayer book, most recently revised in 1979, contains our liturgies, our prayers, our theological documents, and much, much more.

Daily Office on the Go: Mission St. Clare

This app puts the daily office of The Episcopal Church in your hand. All of the readings are pre-loaded as are cycles of prayer. You can make your way through every word, or simply scroll and pray the parts you need most.

Shaped By Worship by Juan Oliver

Juan Oliver, former custodian of the Book of Common Prayer, outlines why rituals and liturgy have great meaning in forming individuals and communities. His work is focused on topics such as the sacraments, worship, mystery and the sacred.

Choral Evensong from the BBC

One of the longest running programs on BBC Radio is the weekly broadcast of Choral Evensong from various cathedrals, colleges, and major churches. Each week you can listen online and get an introduction to this robust tradition of sung prayer.

Evensong from the Washington National Cathedral

One of the treasures of the Anglican tradition, evensong is a service of sung evening prayer. Washington National Cathedral (an Episcopal congregation) was one of the first to launch a girls’ chorister program.

Hour by Hour, Edited by Edward Gleason

This little book offers the four part office of daily prayer in an accessible and portable format. If you're looking for a regular companion for prayer, a great resource.


2. What is Common Prayer?


1. What is the Episcopal Church? Anglican Comprehensiveness