1. B. Additional Resources on Anglican Comprehensiveness

The video and books below are great introductions to the current state of the Episcopal/Anglican tradition.

The Presiding Bishop’s introduction to the “Way of Love”

Bishop Michael Curry describes the church as a series of shared practices.

The Episcopal Handbook (Revised Edition) by Tobias Haller

This little snarky book answers a lot of the common questions about The Episcopal Church. We give it to all participants in our Pilgrimage class for newcomers.

The Church Cracked Open by Canon Stephanie Spellers

Canon Stephanie Spellers’ book was released in 2021. In this critical yet loving book, the author explores the American story and the Episcopal story in order to find out how communities steeped in racism, establishment, and privilege can at last fall in love with Jesus, walk humbly with the most vulnerable and embody beloved community in our own broken but beautiful way.

Backpacking through the Anglican Communion by Jesse Zink

If you’ve wondered about the ongoing discussions in Global Anglicanism, this book is an inquisitive, generous, and thoughtful travelogue through diverse Anglican contexts.

Pauli Murray: Shouting for the Rights of All People by Deborah Nelson-Linck

This children’s book by local Episcopalian Deborah Nelson-Linck is an introduction to the life of Pauli Murray. It makes a great introduction to Pauli’s story and the power of people of faith to make a difference, even under difficult circumstances.


1. What is the Episcopal Church? Anglican Comprehensiveness