3. Christianity as a Way of Life

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What if we thought of Christianity less as a "system of rigid belief" and more as a set of practices that make up a way of life? The Rev. Mike Angell discusses the Baptismal Covenant of the Episcopal Church. As some of our members prepare for Confirmation or Reception in the church, what do you have to believe? What does this "way of life" offer to you? Mike also talks about the idea of a "rule of life" and shares his own.

For this class, you may find it helpful to have the Book of Common Prayer pages 304-305 available to you. (Online here: www.bcponline.org/Baptism/holybaptism.html)

For Richard Rohr talking about Christianity as a way of life click here: vimeo.com/248522067

For the Presiding Bishop's Discussion of the "Way of Love" click here: youtu.be/XzIx0nM5OEk

Check out this list of further resources to explore more.

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3. B. Additional Resources Christianity as a Way of Life