Weekly Practice: The Eucharist

Week in and week out, as liturgical Christians, we gather for the Holy Eucharist. In the Episcopal Church, the tradition of Eucharist is broad. You will find Episcopal churches that celebrate in ways that pre-date the second Vatican Council of the Catholic Church. You will find Episcopal churches that are far less formal. In our Baptismal Promises, we commit to continuing in “the apostles fellowship, in the breaking of bread and the prayers.” This week, Pilgrimage is an instructed Eucharist. The Rev. Mike Angell and the Rev. Julie Graham lead the last of our "Pilgrimage: Practices of Faith" series for Lent 2023.
Guest musicians Dave Black and Brad Currey provide meditative music during the service.

Additional Resources:

Eucharist Video with Bishop Curry

The Rt. Rev. Bishop Michael Curry (before his was Presiding Bishop) speaks about the unity and beauty of the Eucharist. Often we are used to hearing theology about the Eucharist that identifies particular “Catholic” or “Protestant” positions. Bishop Curry speaks powerfully about the sacrament that has the power to overcome our divisions.

Haller Episcopal Handbook

The Episcopal Handbook (Revised Edition) by Tobias Haller

This little snarky book answers a lot of the common questions about The Episcopal Church. We recommend it to all participants in our Pilgrimage class.

Behold What you Are: Becoming the Body of Christ by Lisa Fishbeck

Our traditions are a wonderful springboard for refreshed liturgical expressions in settings within and beyond our church buildings. These expressions can connect with people who would not otherwise enter a beautiful but somewhat austere structure. With some thoughtful reflection and intentionality, the public expression and formation of the body of Christ through liturgy can become more vital for all.

Shaped By Worship by Juan Oliver

Juan Oliver, former custodian of the Book of Common Prayer, outlines why rituals and liturgy have great meaning in forming individuals and communities. His work is focused on topics such as the sacraments, worship, mystery and the sacred.


Daily Practices